
what i love about christmas time...

twinkle lights
the stillness of fresh falling snow
christmas carols
the story of jesus in the manger
brisk air on my cheeks
smell of the christmas tree
goody baskets for friends and neighbors
twinkle lights
christmas cards from family/friends
peppermint sticks 
the crunchy sound of snow beneath my boots
anticipation of santa
counting our blessings
hot cocoa
special recipes that we only have once or twice a year
christmas countdown from my daughter
***did I mention twinkle lights? ;)***
I love sitting in the soft glow of the christmas tree just breathing in the season.
(sigh...thank you Jesus!)

2012 has been a great year of transition for our family.  We've been blessed with another daughter, Zoie; Ethan is excelling at his job as branch manager and accepted a position as worship pastor in our new church, I went to part time status at work in April (yay!), and Parker started "Big School" (which means Kindergarten)!  It was also the year of the house...Ethan and his dad painted the outside of our house; we also had the interior ceilings scraped; moved the classroom to the living room and created a nursery for Zoie.  Unfortunately, I think 2013 will also be the year of the house since we need a new kitchen floor and countertops as well as a dishwasher that actually washes the dishes.  So, that story continues...as well as the blessings in our lives.

My new year's resolution..."be on time"    I never used to be the late one, and now I'm known for it...how did that happen???  So my ONE resolution is to be on time.  I think it's rude to make other people wait for me or to interrupt a situation because of lateness, so I'm going to try really really hard to make it right.  I know it means waking up earlier, or getting ready earlier but I'm willing to do it to be known as the early one

I pray you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you have a safe and healthy New Year!!



our newest bundle of joy!

Our newest little punkin!
Zoie Selah Jimenez was born Oct 1st @ 1:42am

As you can see, big sister Parker is also very excited...


my latest creations...

Here's a layout that was completed a few months ago...  I know, I know, I'm just getting around to posting it...it's crazy.  Anyhoo, Parker was uber excited about this rainbow lollipop, and I just love rainbow anything, so I had to get her picture enjoying her special treat.  I used my silhouette and Quickutz dies for the lettering.  The little banner triangle was a quickutz die also.

The following pictures will show you one of the reasons I've been so busy and haven't been blogging or entering contests lately. I've been working on a baby album for my new little nephew Tomichi!  I'm late in sending it since he was born premie!  He was a Thanksgiving baby, but wasn't supposed to be here until today!  He's doing great and is at home with mommy and daddy and sister after about a month and a half in the NICU. 

It probably takes me a little longer than most people to create an entire album, but I don't mind because I simply enjoy the creative/design process.  I typically create a beginning page for the ultrasound pics as well as newborn pics and then a page for each month.  I've found that the We R Memory Keepers 8X8 sleeves that are split for two 4X6's work great in between each layout.  That way, the momma can add 3 pictures for each month!  I used some of my new Hero Arts stamps as well as oldies but goodies.  The style and papers used are from the same line that I created his sister's album with...monkeys and frogs.  Which made it a little easier for me since I've already done an entire album with monkeys and frogs.  Hope you enjoy the pics.  I apologize for the glare.  I like to put them in the book once they're done so that I don't mess 'em up!  TFL!


Happy New Year!!

I'm a week late, but Happy New Year all the same!  I've got pictures to post and layouts to share. but I've been working on a new baby album for my little premie nephew Tomichi, so everything else has to wait.  I've been trying to keep up with blogs, posts, websites, FB and emails, and {whew} that takes a lot of time!!  So, I've got tons of layout and project ideas bouncing around in my head that I almost don't know where to start.  Gotta finish the baby album first, then organize my crazy head and get started on some projects that I can share.  I love to see all of your creativity and inspirational ideas and cards!  Soon I will join in the fun again (especially with the challenges -- love those!)

Here's our Christmas photo!  Hope you all had a merry season!