
Back to school time already?!?!?!

I can't believe the summer is technically over (even though I enjoy summer all the way through September with Parker since she's really not in school yet)  So I have tons to catch up on...
Here's Parker at her 3 year old birthday party!  She had a princess Tiana (Princess and the Frog) Party!  So fun!
Bubbles as a party favor were a hit!
Here's an albino deer that Ethan saw on the side of our property one day. It's so nice to see wildlife roaming the neighborhood.
This tree is located right along the outside of our fence.  When the racoon came up to the fence, Chongo (our black lab) was right on that and scared the racoon into the tree where he stayed for 2 days.  The racoon didn't know that Chongo was inside the fence and so couldn't get him even if he came down and Chongo didn't know either and so continued to bark for 2 days and nights.  Quite the pair!  Finally, we got smart and brought Chongo in one night so the poor racoon could climb down and go away.
This is a picture of my mom telling a little bit of her "World Vision" story on stage with Luci Swindol at a Women of Faith conference in Las Vegas.  I'm going to try to post her video here on line for all to see...it's such an amazing story!
The 1st Disneyland trip of the summer 2010!
We saw princess Tiana singing and dancing in New Orleans square and then...they asked Parker to come up on the stage with Tiana!!  So cool (notice Parker is wearing the perfect shirt for the occasion :)
Next we went to see some of the princesses and was delighted to once again see Tiana!
We saw Ariel...
and then we saw Beauby (that's how Parker says it)!  So Beauby became Parker's new favorite princess.  You'll see more about that in some future pictures from our most recent trip to Disneyland!